
Gazing into a brand new year

Looking forward on a new year

What a year 2013 has been! Bushfires early on, cicadas on a deafening scale later, and as usual plenty of work, play and travel in between! Its been a huge year, Livefast has continued to grow, and with it, the young community of Halls Gap and The Grampians. Its so great to see such a creative, positive and motivated group of young people in our midst right now, it can only mean one thing… World domination in 2014! The times they are a-changing, and Halls Gap has never been a better place to visit, eat, explore, live, and drink fabulous coffee!

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who supported Livefast in 2013, particularly in regards to our fundraising partner POSHU (Projects Of Self Help Uganda). Together, we managed to raise $7878.70 in 2013 through the sales of Uganda jewellery and tips! We have been supporting POSHU for just over three years now and will be pushing forwards in 2014 with new projects and contributions. We are even hoping to build a new school/community centre in a remote village, but more on this later!

What else do we have in store? We will be continuing to evolve our little café in the heart of The Grampians, and filling in our spare time with live music, local produce and adventures near and far! 2014 is going to be BIG, so what do you have planned? Will & the Livefast Crew!